Magistrate sanctioned for calling law grad colleague ‘trolley dolly’

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By Legal Cheek on


Career changer backed by Judicial Conduct Office

Courtroom door
A magistrate has been sanctioned after referring to a colleague as a “trolley dolly”, and making sarcastic comments about her law degree.

Michael Barnes was handed the formal warning by the Judicial Conduct Office following allegations by the unnamed colleague.

Barnes’ fellow magistrate made a series of allegations, including that he had called her a “trolley dolly” in reference to her previous cabin crew career, and made “sarcastic comments which undermined her distance learning law degree”.

Whilst he admitted to the trolley comment, Barnes submitted that it was meant in a “light-hearted manner”, and said during a period of retirement. Whilst he “apologised for the offence caused”, he added that the term was “one that the complainant had previously used to describe her job”. He made no representations about the law degree comments.

Following an investigation a Judicial Conduct Office committee member acknowledged that the two magistrates “engaged in two-way light-hearted banter, which failed to display professionalism.”

It was accepted by the office that Barnes had “caused upset” by “undermining the complainants distance learning law degree”, and in his comments about the magistrates previous career.

Although the nominated committee member acknowledged Barnes’ apology, they found the comments to be “recklessly unfeeling” through “sarcastic humour”, resulting in “emotional harm” to the complainant.

The member recommended a formal warning, which was given by the Judicial Conduct Office.



I once exposed myself to a trolly dolly mentally. It was a quiet flight and we got speaking and the next thing I knew I was telling her about some difficulties both at home and at work. It felt a little dirty but at the same time it was quite a nice experience. I hope it wasn’t too much to spring on her.


I have never started a sentence with those four words and probably never will. I hope you are not in my profession.


Why such a stigma about people opening up and exposing themselves mentally? I thought we had moved on from the days of keeping everything in.


And here you exposing what an utter idiot you are.


Er, thanks for that Jason


And here you are exposing what an utter idiot you are.

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