A partner at Slaughter and May has taken to LinkedIn to offer his thirst-quenching interview advice for aspiring lawyers.
In light of many City firms being in the “full swing” of application season, partner Kevin Howes notes that there are hundreds of “unbelievably talented” students undertaking interviews at the moment, with the hopes of a golden ticket TC.
Taking a swing at offering hopefuls facing nerve-wracking some advice, he suggests the “tactical sip”.
Howes writes: “A two second pause to gather your thoughts can mean the difference between a fantastic response and changing your mind mid-sentence. It can be bizarrely difficult to have this discipline when you’re nervous, so… take a sip of water.”
Is this likely to calm your nerves in interviews?
One of Howes’ connections jokingly responds: “I’ve been in meetings where I’ve had to take so many tactical sips my glass and all the bottles around me have emptied. Any advice for that?!”
Another suggests, “How about ‘that’s a really great question, Kev’. Combines the tactical pause with a degree of sycophancy which interviewers always appreciate.”
A future LinkedIn suggested sparkling was the key to TC success. One LinkedIn user notes says, “My interviewers were blown away I asked for sparkling [water] — said 99/100 of candidates go for still. It was a nice little diversion at the start of the interview and quirk. Tactical sparkling.”
Let us know what tips you have for nerve-wracking law firm interviews in the comments 👇