Top feminist barrister blasts BSB after ‘Boys Club’ tweet charges dropped

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By Lydia Fontes on


Dr Charlotte Proudman criticises regulator as ‘unfit for purpose’ after tribunal dismisses disciplinary case

Dr Charlotte Proudman

A tribunal has concluded that there is “no case to answer” against Dr Charlotte Proudman, the high-profile feminist barrister who appeared at a disciplinary hearing on Tuesday facing charges of professional misconduct.

Proudman was alleged by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) to have breached professional codes of conduct after she criticised the High Court judge Jonathan Cohen’s judgment on a family law case she lost. In April 2022 Proudman claimed in a thread of 14 tweets, “This judgment has echoes of (t)he ‘boys club’ which still exists among men in powerful positions.”

The BSB claimed that these tweets “inaccurately reflected the finding of a judge on a case in which she was instructed” and used language “designed to demean and/or insult the judge.” Proudman argued that the case against her was an instance of sexist double standards.

After charges were dropped this morning, Proudman returned to Twitter, telling her followers: “This case is a turning point for both women’s rights and a barrister’s freedom to speak out against domestic abuse.” She went on to add, “I would be willing to work with the BSB to promote change, but not under the current leadership, that is simply not possible.”

The tribunal is expected to provide full written reasons for its decision to dismiss the charges at a later date.

Previously: ‘Boys club’ tweet lands top feminist barrister in disciplinary hearing


Bored of Labels

Can I exercise my free speech to say that I wouldn’t want her representing me?


Well snedge my skiddy knickers, why don’t you?

You don’t want someone to represent you because they’re a woman who is fed up with being treated like she’s 5 because she is a woman???

Shame on you!


Doubt you could afford her mate


Her Garrick Club obsession is so weird.

There are women-only clubs in London. Are we going to castigate female barristers and judges for belonging to the University Women’s Club???

Why should a private club somebody belongs to where they drink or host friends make them ‘unsuitable’ to judge a legal case?

You’d be happier in life making friends with these people and being invited to these clubs, rather than screaming outside to be let in.

As far as stupid point goes this one disproves itself

“You’d be happier in life making friends with these people AND BEING INVITED TO THESE CLUBS” —- she’s complaining that she can’t be invited because she’s a woman…
How daft can you be

Point of order...

Women are welcome as guests at the Garrick. Educate yourself.

Sorry lad

Sorry I’m uneducated on the posh club. What you say is actually common sense…
When he said “invite” I assumed he meant “invite to join”. I assumed because him saying “well the woman could just suck it up and make nice to a guy every night she wants to be let in” is a even more ridiculous

man up

you know full well that historic men-only private members clubs are where alliances, relationships and deals are formed that affect the entire country. Since cronyism and the spaces that facilitate it are not going anywhere anytime soon, it is not acceptable that women are excluded from them x


Actually, recent academic literature and research suggests that the effect of clubs on government policy is over-stated. I recommend Seth Thevoz’s excellent book ‘Club Government’ precisely on this subject.

Women aren’t ‘excluded’ from the Garrick or other male-only clubs – they can be invited in by a member.

Though would you want to invite anyone in to join you for a drink that believes you are a horrible ‘bully’ or ‘sexist’?

Claiming the whole world is against you is not a way to win friends in life.

Full English

Don’t worry lads. Nigel will be in No 10 in just a few more years and the woke nightmare will be over.


Well done Charlotte ❤️


Between her tweets about walking on the grass at her Oxbridge college and this, it is so clear that Proudman has sought to co-opt a platform of equality for her own gain. We really ought to stop feeding her with articles like these and let her fade back into irrelevancy.


Irrelevancy, eh?


I am no fan of CP, but the BSB is dreadful. I don’t want them coming after me for borderline tweets (not that I’m silly enough to be on twitter or any other social media account. The regulator, like any other, is being weaponised by resentful individuals with a grievance on both the left and right. We have erected an oversight level that just assumes the best in complainers. In my experience, there is a significant minority who are all too happy to make life impossible for hard working professionals just trying to eke out a living.


Her Twitter timeline is going to be even more insufferable now….THANKS BSB

As far as stupid point goes this one disproves itself

Have you heard of the unfollow button?

Legal Officer With A 2.ii

I always wonder what her end goal is???

Clearly, tweeting and people screaming in the streets day after day isn’t realistically going to end violence towards women everywhere. If she was a mega-millionaire philanthropist, there might be the scope to set up shelters or charitable endeavours.

Then at the Bar, the only way up is to apply to become a KC or a judge. But if she genuinely believes that KCs and judges are part of an impenetrable ‘boys club’ she could never break into, then she’s stuck on crying out on Twitter/X in a career where she can never move upwards, or be in a position end violence towards women earning what she would at that end of the Family Bar.

What’s the point of it all? Not somewhere I’d like to be personally.

Not CP

She’ll be Chief Justice one day, mark my words!


Most of the comments amply illustrate why CP described the BSB as a (glorified) boys’ club, with male members completely unable to recognise their patronising and misogynistic comments and attitudes when they are in plain sight.


A great man once said that we should judge people by the content of their character.

Well, I’ve done that. I’ve judged Proudman by the content of her character, and I find that character insufferable.

You are free to disagree with that assessment. However, your disagreement does not make my assessment misogynistic.

Double hmmm

Happy One is saying that the condescending comments are influenced by misogyny. You are free to dissent. However, you cannot create a strawman link between what you call a disagreement as to the conclusion and misogyny. The contention is clearly on how the disagreement was formed.

And frankly…


Wow – you are truly a great man by your own yardstick.


LOL – I’m a girl that finds her insufferable too.

But, do tell me how I’m part of a numinous, misogynistic ‘Boys Club’ of persecutors anyway.

Have you been picked yet?

Getting so tired of the minority of women saying “I’m a woman and therefore if I accept something it means it’s not misogynistic”.


The BSB is totally unfit for purpose to be fair. They consistently make very poor decisions.


The BSB is completely unfit for purpose to be fair. They consistently make very poor decisions.


I hope the BSB now go after all those idiotic twitter members who denigrated her perfectly appropriate tweet. Most of whom are retired white male barristers.

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