Charlotte Proudman’s incredible David v Goliath win

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By Lydia Fontes on


The Legal Cheek team discusses the big legal news stories of last week — listen now 🎙️

The Legal Cheek podcast returns this week as publisher Alex Aldridge and writer Lydia Fontes discuss three stories which have made the legal press this week. We break down the facts and explain why these stories matter to the legal industry, keeping you up to date on the issues lawyers are talking about.

This week’s episode covers the charges of professional misconduct brought against Dr Charlotte Proudman by the Bar Standards Board and how this feminist barrister came out on top. Next up, we discuss the findings against Jo Sidhu KC by the Bar Tribunals & Adjudication Service for “inappropriate and unwanted” behaviour. Lastly, we talk about the hefty earnings racked up by some junior barristers which have made headlines this week, explaining what these numbers mean and comparing them to the salaries of their solicitor counterparts at top-paying firms.

You can listen to the podcast in full via the embed above, or on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


Fed Up Woman

Proudman won the case, but has recently given media interviews in which she states she doesn’t socialise with other barristers at all.

Becoming a KC and moving up with a career at the Bar involves recommendations from other judges. If she publicly criticises the judiciary, why would a judge want to recommend her as a future KC?

I don’t see this as a ‘win’ at all if she potentially struggles to move up at the Bar and claims she has few friends in the profession too.

When female KCs and judges exist, it’s not because a ‘boys club’ has stopped them.

Fed Up With Fed Up Woman

I am a barrister and I don’t socialise with other barristers. Nothing odd about that at all. But the fact that you directly link the non-socialising to a lack of advancement is a problem with the profession not Proudman. She’s done a huge amount in the profession already without being a KC or a Judge, and seemingly without socialising with other barristers.

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