Big billables, bigger salaries: Are junior lawyers paying the price for their principles?

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By Alan Paul on


Legendary ex-Magic Circle dealmaker Alan Paul advises new solicitors to resist the ‘powerful drug’ of six-figure salaries and remain true to their values

Keeping the “billable hour” and “target hours”, as well as salary rates, in perspective may be one of the toughest challenges facing lawyers at the major US and UK-based law firms in London. And particularly for young lawyers in the early years of legal practice and those contemplating a career in law.

Why is that perspective important? It is important because, to make a successful, and crucially an enjoyable, career in such firms and elsewhere, constantly concerning oneself with achieving a target for hours spent will take the eyes off the real ball; that is the production of high quality work, total integrity and the best interests of the client, which always have to be the critical driver of a lawyer’s endeavours.

Legal Cheek published exclusive research on the average hours at big London law firms which was subsequently picked up by several newspaper journalists including Jonathan Ames, legal editor of The Times. He has also written about how young lawyers approach their hours recording and how their lives are being purchased in articles in April and May 2024. Bearing in mind that salaries for newly qualified lawyers at these firms range between £150,000 and £180,000, predicted to reach £200,000 before long, a clarity of purpose is needed on the part of the young worker.

If a target of hours or money becomes a primary driver to go to work in a top law firm, that will not prove a strong foundation. Much better to have your own principles for how you work than be swept along by another tide.

Every day is Christmas, almost

Such salaries are by any normal measure absurd. They put these earners in the top 1% bracket of earners in the UK, and nobody would dispute that a newly qualified solicitor in such a firm has almost no experience and little competence to provide the advice their clients often require: rather, as they learn on the job, they depend on more senior lawyers, maybe partners but often lawyers of with a few years of qualification, to check their work and supervise generally. Some say, it is reported, that the bulk of the work they do is mind numbingly boring, but generalisations are dangerous and the range of experiences of such lawyers will vary enormously. Any single lawyer’s experience is partly a matter of good fortune and may depend on the partners they work with most. Comparing pay across sectors is complex but when mid twenty-year-olds are earning more than experienced doctors or scientists questions will be asked.

Salaries in any industry are a function of the relevant market, what can be afforded and supply and demand. It would be foolish to assume that law firms truly want to pay these enormous salaries or view them as a statement of true worth. In London now there are over 100 US origin law firms, and some like Latham & Watkins are of a size and nature that they are very established UK firms in their own right. Although some of these firms have expanded by merger with established London firms, which in their turn disappeared, they have generally created a demand for many more good lawyers in London: the magic circle firms have not materially shrunk.

Accordingly, there is huge competition to recruit and retain the best talent out of aspiring young lawyers. The big US firms have been prepared to offer the eye watering salaries to tempt lawyers away from traditional London firms, who have increased pay to compete. This is market forces in action, producing arguably an astonishing outcome from an independent outsider’s viewpoint, but it is reality for now. It would be wrong to criticise a young lawyer taking these shillings: the cost of living in London is so high and such salaries may enable 25-year-olds to buy their own home: this is Christmas every day in one sense. But it smacks of a false market with consequences and risks. And long hours in big City law firms have been a feature for the last 40 years.

A tough working week and targets

Legal Cheek’s research puts average weekly hours of work for young lawyers in these firms at between 55 and 70 depending on the firm. That ignores weekends. So, the average weekly total is a few hours more as weekend work is common. So that is between 11 and 13 hours work per working day. Averages of course are only that. Some lawyers will regularly work more hours and some less in any firm. A transaction can require a wipe out of a week on occasions. And the impact these hours have on quality of life will depend among other things on the quality and culture of the local team the lawyer is part of, as well as the attitude of the lawyer themselves. Some are happy in the long hours’ environment, especially if camaraderie is good, at least for a while. There is no doubt that these are long hours, but other professions require long hours too; also, hardworking people who are unskilled work very long hours regularly to make ends meet for their families, perhaps with more than one job, and in these other cases the pay is far short of the lawyers’ salaries.

Law firms commonly have target hours of billable work for lawyers. The reports indicate that for UK origin firms that target is likely a minimum of about 1,800, and at the US origin law firms about 2,000. A lawyer depends on the employer, and in any case the partners for whom the lawyer primarily works providing the work to meet at least the target. But if the employer fails to provide sufficient work, how can the target be met?

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In the April article referred to above, a RollOnFriday survey was reported to show that a substantial number of young lawyers “pad” their time recording, with a number admitting to inventing hours worked which in fact had not been worked. Essentially it showed too, and anecdotal evidence confirms this, that a number of lawyers may spend more time on tasks than may really be needed in order to meet targets. The principle that works expands to fill the time available can be seen in spades if the culture is one which values time spent as a measure of performance. It is useless on its own as such a measure: context and other factors must leaven that assessment.

But a more sinister concern is being highlighted. Padding out time recorded is to seek to deceive the employer. If that time is intended to be billable to clients, then in addition it is in effect an attempt at deceiving the client and obtaining money through that deceit. Does that sound like, or close to, theft? If the firm is aware of it, then it is complicit. There are reports that clients may not care if they feel they get value for money, but that misses the major point. The most important responsibility of a lawyer is to act professionally in the conduct of business, with total integrity. Once a lawyer believes deception is ok, then that fundamental requirement is absent, and it could lead to all sorts of poor judgements, let alone malpractice.

Second, when representing a client, it is the lawyer’s duty to act in the client’s best interests: a better outlook to billing that client would be to act as efficiently as possible treating that client’s money and resources as carefully as one would one’s own. A constant eye on maximising billable time and being a slave to targets is wholly inconsistent with that concept.

Target hours are a major management tool if the firms concerned charge their clients largely based on hours spent on the job. However, a billable hour is a product, nothing more. It is a product of doing what is needed to service the client’s requirements. If one sees the hour as a product, not a driver, its importance will be kept in perspective. The lawyer’s approach to the work must be determined by the lawyer’s principles.

Firms may also impose revenue and profit targets on teams and partners. Of course, achieving good profits is vital for all businesses and a law firm will perceive a need to ensure its profitability matches its peer group, not least because, if it fails to, then partners may be more inclined to leave to more profitable firms. However, these targets, if not kept in perspective, also can deflect from the core drivers of being a good lawyer — quality, integrity and clients’ interests. Revenue and profit are again a product not behaviours, and behaviours drive the product.

No serfdom

It is reported that some young lawyers receiving the enormous salaries alluded to consider that, if the firm is willing to shell out these sums, then it is entitled to demand as much work as it likes. If the employing firm or partners view associates in that way, they are wrong. If associates view themselves that way, they are making a mistake. Pay is very relevant, but, if it is the driver of culture and used as the key motivator, it will prove to be a foundation of straw. Whatever the rewards, it cannot be acceptable that work produces misery or ill health. Working as a lawyer should not be serfdom, and responsibility to ensure that is not the case rests with law firm partners and the associates themselves.

Lawyers need to be resilient and take responsibility for themselves and their wellbeing too. One of the principles which guides an approach to work could be ensuring a balance. If a lawyer starts to think they must do whatever is demanded, that they are owned, important self-esteem will be diminished. Getting exhausted helps nobody and is a problem for everybody. And if any partner in a firm treats an associate without care and respect for their wellbeing, perhaps they need some further education. Good associates who produce good quality work, efficiently and who are affable, liked by clients and colleagues, will always be busy as they are the first port of call of partners. So, concentration on nurturing those characteristics and core principles, rather than worrying about pay and hours, may be the best route to delivering the product.

The £150k-200k salary for newly qualified lawyers is a powerful drug and could be addictive. Keeping that in perspective, as well as target hours and hours worked, allowing principles to dictate behaviour front and centre, is essential for an enjoyable and successful legal career in the City.

Alan Paul, a former partner at Allen & Overy, has spent the past 12 years as a professional coach specialising in supporting law firm partners. You can hear more about his career on The Legal Cheek Podcast (Spotify and Apple).


MC Ass

I have no doubt that time padding is absolutely rife in the city, but it’s basically impossible to catch. The US firms pretty much systemically pad their time, with several using 15 minute segments to make it easy. Their clients don’t seem to care, and it’s not as if the SRA is able or willing to do anything about it. It doesn’t help that the nature of the work is such that a four hour block of time with the narrative “preparing SPA” could be completely legitimate or completely fictitious.

The problem is that it’s easy for a former MC partner to make the suggestion to go with your principles, but the UK is in a complete mess after the last 15 years. Young people simply cannot buy a house anywhere that isn’t a shithole without BOMAD and/or a seriously good salary.

The best the country is going to do for the foreseeable future is to limp along, before inevitably people vote for some lunatic far right government in a few years time and crash us even further into corruption, decay and unrest. The only protection against the consequences of that is to have lots of money and a good job.

Curious George

Agreed. It’s insane to hear about associates (particularly at US firms) billing c. 3k hours a year. Like yes of course they are busy but surely there has to be a paddin’ to those figures. Also, what is the 15 minute segment you speak of?


1 unit = 15 minutes rather than the standard 6 minutes


Jones Day were dinged by the High Court this year for using 15 minute segments for litigation matters. Still not as bad as certain other professions I’m aware of, which bill “per hour or part thereof” and somehow get away with it…


I was at a Magic Circle firm as a trainee, then a US firm. We used 6-min increments at both. The latter paid us [far] more because we did more work, we acted for claimants (who actually chose to litigate), and the partners didn’t waste money on boondoggles and support staff. Most of the antipathy to US firms appears to be jealously and/or snobbery.


What is especially annoying about this author is he will be living in a £4-5m mansion and have millions of pounds in investments, fly business class everywhere and have 5-10 holidays per year staying in Aman and Four Seasons hotels.

An associate on £150k, starting life with £60k of student debt and paying £1k/month to live in a student flat in zone 4, will only be able to save maybe £40k/year after tax and basic expenses, and that’s living like a Franciscan monk.

Yea that’s £40k more than the average person, but it will still take them 100 years working like that to be able to buy the author’s £5m mansion. And the associate will have to give almost every minute of their life to their paymasters for the privilege of that £40k.


Right… you are slightly flawed here in that there exists a wonderful phenomenon called salary progression, meaning a worker is not forever paid only the salary on which they start, and nothing more.

I presume the vast proportion of the author’s fortune was made as a partner, rather than as an associate


That’s not the point (and also not really true: 99% of associates won’t ever be partners and with bunching these days salaries don’t go up a huge amount before partnership, and it now takes 12-15 years to get to equity vs the 7 years it took in the author’s day).

The point is he is calling these salaries “absurd” and patronising young associates by telling them they shouldn’t lose sight of their morals and dignity when accepting these great mountains of wealth.

And he’s saying that while sitting on a mountain of wealth that is literally 100s of times bigger and was built out of the blood, sweat and tears of young associates over his decades as a partner.


This is totally incorrect – yes, some firms have “salary bunching” on their pay scales to a greater or lesser extent, but the salary scales themselves have been moving up at a rate of knots in recent years – so when you are (e.g.) 3 years more PQE than you are now, you’re not going to be paid whatever the rack rate is now, you’re getting whatever it is in three years’ time.

When I was an NQ (MC) I earned £77.5k – NQs today (less than 10 years later) are now essentially double that (plus better bonuses) – and I don’t have the figure to hand for what my current PQE rate would have been paid when I qualified but I can guarantee it was also significantly lower than what I get now.


Ok for the author who has earned a MC Partner salary/drawings for a number of years to retire and then criticise the system that they directly supported and benefitted from. Such hypocrisy and generally reeks.


“In the April article referred to above, a RollOnFriday survey was reported to show that a substantial number of young lawyers “pad” their time recording, with a number admitting to inventing hours worked which in fact had not been worked. ”

…Fraud, in other words.


Take the money, the reputational enhancement, the training, do a few years, get out.

It’s not as though smaller or regional firms – with shitty salaries – are benevolent employers with caring CPD programmes, have time to train associates, and don’t bleed their associates dry. They are just poorly paid alternatives that will always be there for people who start at the top.


Agreed. I was naïvely surprised at the magic circle firm which I was a trainee by the number of people who simply wished to do their training contract, do two years, and then leave. It was seen very much as a CV-filling exercise.

One other alternative is to do something exciting in your early 20s, and then change career into law after that. The most obvious example is a commission in the armed forces.


What kind of careers were these MC NQs leaving to?


“…the real ball; that is the production of high quality work, total integrity and the best interests of the client, which always have to be the critical driver of a lawyer’s endeavours.”

Important section to highlight. All firms will do well to remember this and a solicitor’s ethics. Prioritise clients interests and stop making it all about targets and billables!

Kirkland not qualified

Easy to say for a man who either had no student loans, or had them on the very old plan of 3K a year.

Easy to say for a man who bought when house prices were at normal rates rather than the insane prices they are now at.


Haven’t read the article, but wanted to comment as a senior associate that I agree with Leopard’s comment above in its entirety.

In short, the money you get as an associate is good for a few years; your exits usually involve in-house or partnership at a smaller (non-US/MC) firm, where you will earn less. Certain in-house roles pay well, but come with issues. Partnership at mid markets or small city firms usually involves peanuts as salaried / fixed share partner (i.e. senior associate with a title) for 3-7 years, and then being bottom of the equity. The points system is so obscure, and most associates have no idea how awful and political it is. Sometimes points are given for the time served at the firm, work won, team billables and who can suck up best to any relevant committee. The money isn’t that great for most of equity – most equity partners earn much less than the PEP figures, it’s distorted upwards wildly by a select few.

Also divorce in yours 40s/50s/60s a real killer on net wealth, and it does happen frequently. If you want to see a worked example including all financials, this is a good one re the litigation head of a MC firm (i.e. not just a normal or fresh partner, head of whole team):

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