The best social media posts of the week

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By Legal Cheek on

A round-up of online musings, memes and more

People using social media on their mobile phones
I cannot believe this is a real-life case that genuinely happened, but it’s in my media law textbook so 🤷🏻‍♀️ [Chloe Sackur on X]

Video Interviews — My top tips [Abigail Paley on LinkedIn]

“How can I get into a top tier”? Said a candidate to me last week… Usually, the lawyers at top tier practices joined when they were paralegals or grads and have therefore found a move into another top firm, a pretty easy one. [Misha Mckenzie on LinkedIn]

Heard in court 👩🏼‍⚖️ [Legal Cheek on Instagram]

I recently had a very strange encounter in an interview with a partner at a law firm. [
Anjali Talreja on LinkedIn]

Every year this sicko tortures the world [Matt Margolis on Instagram]

Why do lawyers complain so much about law school on LinkedIn? [Jim Hawkins on LinkedIn]

Plz don’t forget me… I’ll be applying there and calling you ASAP [Litigation God on Instagram]

Law Students and Young (and Not So Young) Lawyers: Let’s talk for a quick second about first impressions, shall we? [Steven T. Keppler on LinkedIn]

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