Paul Weiss to provide every vac schemer free accommodation, travel and even a new suit

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£250 to spend on your work experience wardrobe

The London office of US law firm Paul Weiss is offering what may be the most attractive support package available for vacation scheme students, including free meals, accommodation, travel, and even business clothing.

The range of support is provided to every student who secures a place on the firm’s newly launched UK work experience programme, regardless of their financial background. This contrasts with many City firms, which only provide additional financial support if specifically requested.

Arguably the standout feature is the £250 “professional attire grant”, which allows students to look their best during their time at the firm’s London office. With Paul Weiss located in Twitter’s old London HQ in trendy Soho, rather than the City of London financial district favoured by most corporate law firms, vac scheme students may be as likely to use the cash to purchase designer-wear as a traditional suit. Legal Cheek is unaware of any other firm currently offering a clothing grant as a standard benefit to vac schemers.

As part of PW’s ‘Vacation Scheme Promise’, the firm also will arrange and cover the cost of accommodation, pay for travel to and from the scheme, and provide free breakfast and lunch from Monday to Thursday — all as standard

The two-week schemes will begin in spring and summer next year and will include a market leading salary of £1,500, with half paid upfront. There are ten spots available for each, with no minimum A-Level requirements.

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The firm says that the goal of making this attractive package standard for everyone, regardless of background or financial status, is to ensure that students facing difficulties don’t feel embarrassed about seeking additional support.

The firm’s legal recruitment senior manager, Paul Gascoyne, told Legal Cheek:

“We have put social mobility at the heart of our inaugural vacation schemes at Paul, Weiss” We are delighted to have removed many of the barriers, both financial and educational, that impact who can take part in a vacation scheme and gain access to the legal profession.”

News of the vac scheme package comes after Legal Cheek revealed earlier this year that the US outfit was in the process of launching its first UK training contract programme. The inaugural cohort will commence their TCs in 2026 and earn a market-topping £180,000 upon qualification.

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I was fairly out of pocket doing vac schemes and open days despite the reimbursement provided by the firms, primarily due to travelling from Scotland. The 2 weeks accommodation and travel costs on one vac scheme meant I lost money despite the generous reimbursement. The real kicker was that several firms had a policy of max reimbursement of £80 for attending an open day (this was in 2017). Fine if you’re in the South East, but even with a railcard it didn’t cover the return fare and associated costs. Initiatives like this are a great way of widening participation. I was very fortunate to be able to cover the costs but imagine many would be put off from attending due to this.

Fair play

No notes.


Really trying to give Kirkland a run for its money?


Yes. They are. Paul, Weiss is genuinely the only firm in the UK right now actually trying to take on Kirkland.

Imagine if they create a culture better than Kirkland and pay exactly the same as them.

Kirkland NQ

£250? That won’t get you a replacement set of laces in the sort of shops I go to.

The new death row - come join the money team!

Money Weise!

Surprisingly well thought out...

An underappreciated aspect of improving social mobility is making the access to opportunities as process as pain-free as possible from a costs perspective for students without the means (e.g. not living in London or without an allowance to cover all the additional expenses). Other firms should think of similar support if they want to move the needle on attracting candidates from all backgrounds.

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