Judge goes viral with epic putdown to rioters

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By Legal Cheek on


Judge Robert Linford didn’t hold back 🔥

Chris Pratt meme
A judge has gone viral on social media this week after delivering an epic putdown to two defendants convicted for their part in the UK riots.

Judge Robert Linford sentenced John Cann and Ryan Bailey for their roles in the violent disorder in Plymouth city centre last week. Both pleaded guilty to violent disorder and appeared at Plymouth Crown Court earlier this week for sentencing.

While sentencing Cann to three years and Bailey to 30 months, Judge Linford delivered a scathing putdown to both defendants that has since gone viral on X.

Addressing Cann in court, the judge criticised comments he made during a police interview where he discussed “the better use of taxpayers money and why people were having to pay to keep these people in this country after committing such heinous crimes”.

News website Plymouth Live reports what Judge Linford said next:

“So let’s look at how the taxpayer have been funding your activities over the last 38 years — let’s see what you’ve cost the country: you’ve got 10 aliases, four fictitious birth dates, you’re 51 years of age, you’ve been convicted of 170 offences, you been convicted of theft, arson, taking cars, handling stolen goods, obtaining by deception, burglary, dangerous driving and possessing bladed articles. In all over the years that you’ve been visiting the criminal justice system you’ve received sentences totalling 357 months in prison, many of them concurrent.”

“In other words, nearly 30 years,” Judge Linford continued. “That Mr Cann is what you’ve been costing this country and you sit there in that interview and saw fit to be critical of others. You have no right whatever to say who should or should not be in this country.”


Turning to Bailey, the judge noted that he was in “no position to judge anybody”, highlighting his 29 convictions, which included theft, criminal damage, possession of drugs, supply of class A drugs, threatening behaviour, breach of a Domestic Violence Protection Order, and robbery.

Many X users applauded the judge’s stinging rebuke. “What a fantastic response from the judge,” one wrote. “I hope they are made to do the actual maths.”

“This is why context is so important, some people are purposely spinning the rhetoric that Judges are simply locking people up for one or two tweets or post’s on FB,” another commented. “But that clearly isn’t the case, a lot of these reprobates have previous convictions and provide zero to society.”



If judges actually gave petty criminals proper custodial sentences repeat offenders would not be able to re-offend. Convicted of 170 (!) offences and still out on the streets.

The call is coming from within the house Your Honour!


Except that judges are required to follow sentencing guidelines which they have no say over…


‘You have no right whatever to say who should or should not be in this country’

Saying the quiet part out loud?


Grateful for this judgment. We are a community of different races, ethnicities, and religions in the UK, and we are stronger together than we are divided.

Eastern European citizen - paralegal in the UK

Some disliked this comment, they’re likely xenophobic morons


Was that you in the totaljobs advert telling your granny that you got the job?


Rather like the former Yugoslavia


As in the former Yugoslavia


“You have no right whatever to say who should or should not be in this country.”

Who does have this right? Is the population of the United Kingdom permitted to decide that it would like its country to have borders? I’m just curious.


Love to see it!

Two Tier Justice

Funny how many of these rioters were (rightfully) sentenced very quickly yet when it comes to many other defendants of other crimes, the court process takes forever…

Scouser of Counsel

If I’d been in that Court-room it would have been difficult for me not to break into applause for that Judge!


Did you enjoy the Covid lockdown restrictions?

Theyhadapointabout Massimmigration

Show trials…


Doesn’t seem that epic to me. Like all judges, seems like a little man(or woman) replete(bloated or maybe engorged) with the security of the liberal establishment behind him/her, denigrating (which he/she would never be able to do , or have the courage to do, outside of the courtroom)the ordinary man as represented by the defendant, mostly for daring to disagree(and act on it) with the minority liberal ‘consensus’ on mass immigration. Seems like the ‘authorities’ are scared…

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