Hogan Lovells launches anonymous channel for reporting microaggressions

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By Rhys Duncan on


Aims to promote inclusive environment

Hogan Lovells has launched a new scheme for reporting microaggressions in a bid to boost inclusivity across the firm.

The reporting channel will offer a way for lawyers to anonymously log incidents at work, including microaggressions and interactional bias related to gender, race, sexual orientation, or disability.

The new tech, introduced in partnership with reporting platform InChorus, will work alongside other inclusivity initiatives currently in place at the firm, including a scheme which measures and builds racially equitable cultures by tracking racist behaviours, levels of racial awareness, and inclusion barriers.

The firm also runs workshops on interactional bias and microaggressions, anti-bullying, and harassment, alongside having trained mental health first aiders, mental health awareness training, and year-round counselling.

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Penny Angell, UK managing partner at Hogan Lovells, commented:

“We are delighted to be at the forefront of using such a progressive tool. We know that there can be a reluctance to call out seemingly “minor incidents”, which may nonetheless contribute to someone feeling excluded or marginalised in the workplace. By embracing this technology, we can help ensure that every voice is heard, allowing us to review and act on trends over time and to foster an even more inclusive environment.”

Hogan Lovells hit headlines in recent weeks after a pay increase which has handed newly qualified City lawyers a 12% raise and a new salary high of £135,000, whilst their Birmingham colleagues have seen an increase of £10,000 up to £85,000.

Trainees also saw a boost, the City contingent going from £50,000 to £56,000 in year one and from £55,000 to £61,000 in year two, with their Birmingham counterparts rising from £35,000 to £37,500 in year one and from £38,500 to £41,000 in year two.


US trainee

All U.S. firms will benefit from this initiative.

Ex-HL Associate

Thank god I jumped ship before this…

Employment Counsel

What a splendid idea.

Give me a call when the ET claims start coming in.



Loyal Comrade

Can’t wait to tour the Hogan Lowell’s Special Reeducation Centre

Your HR rep

What’s the initial acknowledgment when you submit your complaint?

“Thank you for assisting us in safeguarding the partners from a constructive dismissal claim. We review every submission carefully and aim to provide a detailed response as to why life isn’t fair, but confirming that we still think you’re special, within 3 – 5 working days.”

That one decade-qualified associate and the dozen floor support staff that will be using this will love seeing that response.


Woke tokenism.





I want to get off this earth now. Just make it stop. I’m getting off.


Reporting my micro aggression shall be deemed a mega aggression. You don’t want to start a war.

UR Joe King

Jesus wept.


One or two people on here, no doubt members of majority groups in their workplace, might choose to educate themselves instead of being so childish https://www.vox.com/2015/2/16/8031073/what-are-microaggressions

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