Justice and chill: Top EU court launches live streaming service

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The Court of Justice of the European Union — Credit: CJEU

Law students and lawyers will now be able to watch action from the European Union’s highest court from the comfort of their sofas thanks to a new live streaming service.

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) will broadcast the delivery of judgments and advocate general opinions from the Grand Chamber for the first time today.

This, the Luxembourg-based court says, will “allow citizens to follow hearings under the same conditions as if they were physically present”.

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It will also show hearings from the Grand Chamber as part of a six-month pilot, although these won’t be live-streamed.

The CJEU, established in 1952, interprets EU law to ensure it is applied in the same way across EU countries, and settles legal disputes between national governments and EU institutions. It is made up of one judge from each EU country, plus eleven advocates general.

Live streaming has been available in the Supreme Court since 2014, while the Court Appeal got in on the action some four years later in 2018.

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