Group chat contained around 100 members

The regulator has issued a solicitor with a written rebuke after it found he posted a number of “inappropriate” messages to a WhatsApp group.
Muhammed Bhurhan Uddin posted the messages to a group containing approximately 100 members in May 2019. They were “offensive and derogatory about certain groups of individuals”, according to a decision published this week by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
The finding did not disclose the content of the messages or the nature of the group.
Uddin was admitted to the roll in 2016 and is a solicitor at Capsticks, a national law firm which has worked with the SRA since 2009 in its role as sole legal provider for disciplinary and litigation work.
The regulator said Uddin failed to behave in a way that maintains the trust that the public places in him and in the provision of legal services. He was rebuked and ordered to pay £600 in costs.