22 out of 23

Osborne Clarke has posted a trainee solicitor retention score of 96%.
From a qualifying cohort of 23, OC confirmed 22 final seat-trainees had put pen to paper on permanent deals. Twelve join its London office, seven are Bristol-bound, and three qualify into Reading.
Ray Berg, UK managing partner, said: “Congratulations to our newly qualified solicitors. They have all worked exceptionally hard and I am thrilled so many have chosen to stay with us.”
He continued: “We aim to keep as many of our trainees as possible and our high retention rates are a testament to the quality of our programme and the supportive and inclusive culture we offer at Osborne Clarke.”
In May, OC cut the pay packets of its lawyers, including trainees, by 7% to mitigate the financial impact brought by COVID-19. The firm said that if it meets its new financial target for 2020-21, it will repay employees back.
Catherine Wolfenden, partner and training principle, added:
“We have fine honed our training programme to make sure our trainees get the skills they need to equip them for their futures in the legal profession. We are able to provide dedicated partner support and mentoring, and we encourage our trainees to build relationships at all levels of the business.”
This time last year OC recorded a retention score of 95% (19 out of 20).