11 out of 12 stay on

RPC has posted an autumn 2020 retention result of 92%.
From a qualifying cohort of 12, the City-headquartered law firm confirmed 11 newly-qualified (NQ) solicitors had put pen to paper on permanent deals. The remaining rookie opted out of the qualification process to pursue a career away from law.
Five newbies join the firm’s insurance practice, two qualify into commercial & banking litigation, while a further two join the IP & technology team. RPC’s commercial, technology & outsourcing (one group) and media teams gain one NQ each.
Nine will start lawyer life in RPC’s London office, while two are Bristol-bound.
RPC partner and training principal Simon Hart said:
“We have always tried to make our qualification decisions based on the longer-term view of the needs of the business. That was very much the case this year. We have a very strong group of trainees qualifying in September and it is testament to their quality and commitment over the last two years that every single one of the eleven trainees who applied was offered and accepted a permanent role with the firm.”
Legal Cheek‘s Firms Most List shows NQs in London will start on a salary of £66,500. Their counterparts in Bristol earn £48,000.
Today marks a vast improvement on the firm’s 2019 result, which saw it retain just five of its 12 final seat trainees — or 42%. At the time, RPC said this was due to a number of trainees vying to qualify in “significantly oversubscribed” practice areas.