From a Love Island lawyer to a Donoghue v Stevenson inspired statue — but can you guess which is our most read article over the past 12 months?
It’s been a funny old year. Brexit bedlam aside, we marked a major milestone for equality in the Supreme Court’s first ever female majority bench. Sticking with the UK’s top court, snazzy tie loving Lord Sumption (now retired) caused a stir after he advised aspiring lawyers to study a non-law discipline over law at undergraduate degree level.
In lighter legal news, readers were sent into a spin over a junior solicitor entering the Love Island villa, a lawyer who ditched law to become a clown and an incredible Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) handbook which advised students to stay clear of ‘kinky boots’.
So without further ado, here are (in reverse order) the 15 most popular Legal Cheek stories of the year…
15. Barristerspeak decoded: A guide for solicitors, students and clients
14. Hogan Lovells partner suspended after Irwin Mitchell lawyer filmed him watching porn in his office from across the street
13. Only a barrister could describe a man sneezing on the Tube like this
12. Incredible BPTC handbook advises students to wear ‘double breasted’ jackets in their advocacy exam — and says they’ll be marked down for wearing ‘kinky boots’
11. Junior solicitor ditches law to become a clown
10. New comedy about pupil barristers fighting over tenancy to hit BBC screens
9. ‘It’ll leave you dead inside!’ New pop song warns students not to become lawyers
8. Revealed: Law firms’ average arrive and leave the office times 2018-19
7. To become a lawyer don’t study law, says Supreme Court’s Lord Sumption — do history, classics, economics or languages instead
6. Supreme Court gets first ever female majority
5. Oxford Uni leapfrogged by Glasgow in shock new law school rankings
4. Exclusive: City law firm asks trainees to pull all nighter days after promising to support lawyers mental health
3. Kim Kardashian is a law student, says Kanye West
2. Donoghue v Stevenson latest: Woman who discovered snail in her ginger beer to have statue erected in her honour

1. Junior solicitor who only qualified THREE months ago puts legal career on hold to enter Love Island villa
Thank you to all our readers who have visited the site in 2018. Here’s to another year of Legal Cheek! ?