The morning’s top legal affairs news stories
Mossack Fonseca law firm to shut down after Panama Papers tax scandal [The Guardian]
Senate votes to roll back parts of Dodd-Frank banking law [CNN]
John Worboys “entitled to release”, lawyer tells High Court [BBC News]
Stormy Daniels set up a crowdfunding page to pay her legal fees against Donald Trump [The Independent]
These people are fighting laws that punish LGBT people for having sex [BuzzFeed]
Unilever chooses Netherlands over UK for corporate base [Financial Times]
Six Cobbetts partners fined over firm’s collapse but “manifest incompetence” allegation is dropped [Legal Futures]
Sexual relationship not necessary for a valid marriage, says Munby [Law Society Gazette]
Crocs loses EU court battle over patent claim [The Guardian]
Job alert: Caseworkers sought for top immigration law firm’s Birmingham office [Legal Cheek Hub]
“Correct me if wrong, but back in the ‘good old days’ didn’t sets just take on hordes of pupils as unpaid labour and then end up giving none of them tenancies? Tenancy being the real major sift point, as opposed to pupillage sounds like literally the worst thing imaginable.” [Legal Cheek comments]