He was simply explaining ‘two important points’, apparently

A cheeky member of Kings Chambers has been caught making a rude hand gesture on Google Street View.
The amusing image (enlarged below) shows a smartly-dressed male flicking the Vs from one of the set’s windows in Leeds while taking a telephone call.
Fortunately, Google — which launched its Street View feature in the United Kingdom back in 2009 — has spared the unnamed man’s blushes and kindly blurred his face.
Let’s take a closer look.

Yep, looks like he’s giving the camera the Vs.
Thankfully, Kings Chambers have taken the Street View spot in their stride. A spokesperson told Legal Cheek:
“In response to this serious matter, we have impressed upon members the inherent dangers of animated phone calls while in public view — especially in instances where Google Street View cameras may be present. It is most unfortunate that this person has been photographed in the course of explaining two important points in a conversation. An internal motion to purchase new blinds has been passed and we would, of course, like to apologise for any inadvertent offence caused.”
Legal Cheek’s Chambers Most List 2018 shows Kings Chambers is one of the largest sets in the UK with 103 juniors and 19 QCs. It offers three pupillages annually with each boasting an award of £45,000.