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I’ve been offered a training contract at a mega-paying US outfit, but my heart is still set on another firm

I’d really appreciate readers’ advice on this

In the latest instalment in our Career Conundrums series, one aspiring solicitor is caught between his head and his heart.

Since completing an informal placement at a top English firm (firm A) I went into my final year intending to work there and only there. I remain in regular contact with the firm and honestly believe I had/have a strong chance of getting an interview there. I applied for a TC in my third year and was invited to do a critical thinking test.

Just before applying to firm A, I applied to firm B, a top American firm. I had no intention of working there, I just wanted to go through the application process — a sort of ‘dry run’ before applying to firm A, and had heard the American application processes were the most rigorous.

However, I failed the critical thinking test to firm A, and was offered the place at American firm B. I failed the test frankly due to idiocy in not practicing it enough beforehand, which I can only put down to arrogance and immaturity at the time. I had spent a lot of time practicing a different but similar style of test, and thought that would be enough.

My current situation is therefore as follows: I have an offer from a top American firm, which pays accordingly. I honestly believe if I submitted my application to firm A on the day the window opens (around October time), I will be invited for an interview, and have been told as such. However, I have to give my answer to firm B’s contract this month (September). The money paid by firm B is just too much to turn down, in order to do a blind leap of faith into the unknown in the hope of possibly getting a chance at firm A.

My question is therefore this, if I accept firm B’s offer, and am subsequently offered a place at firm A and accept this, what are the probable consequences? Has anybody got an anecdote of anyone doing something similar? I appreciate help in advance.

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