But the 16-year-old must complete a hairdressing course first
A teenage thief who stole cash from his local hairdressing salon has been ordered to cut the hair of the judge who was assigned to hear his case.
Sitting in Granada’s Youth Court, Spanish judge Emilio Calatayud was dealing with an unnamed 16-year-old burglar who pinched €600 (£511) and a hairdryer back in May.
Known for his unique approach to justice, Calatayud — who has over 75,000 likes on his official Facebook page — decided to impose a somewhat unusual punishment.
According to Spanish News Today, Calatayud discovered during court proceedings that the youngster was actually in the process of training to become a hairdresser *irony klaxon*.
The popular judge ruled that the teenager must “apply himself to his studies” and complete his course. But there was just one problem. The aspiring hairdresser revealed to the court that in order to qualify, he must practice on a real head of hair.
Never one to turn down a free trim, Calatayud offered to play the part. Giving the student ample opportunity to showcase his newly-acquired skills, the top judge vowed not to have his hair cut until the student qualifies in June.

But it wasn’t all haircutting high jinx, as Calatayud’s offer came with a warning. Fail to complete the course and provide the judge with a decent haircut, and the young thief will be handed a substantial community order.
Other colourful judgments handed down by Calatayud include mandatory hospital visits for a teen caught riding his moped without a helmet, and 1,000 hours of IT teaching for a young computer hacker.
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