Morning round-up: Monday 16 November

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By Legal Cheek Reporter on

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories


Isis attack on Paris may be an “act of war” but retaliation may not be lawful [The Guardian]

Legal aid cuts: MoJ puts brakes on changes as solicitors revolt [The Independent]

How EU red tape forces refugee children into the arms of people traffickers [The Guardian]

Paris attacker’s Syrian passport “was fake”, Human Rights Watch says [Huffington Post]

France has declared a state of emergency, but the law has an ugly history [Vox]

Can international law meet the challenges of today’s lawless conflicts? [The Guardian]

Fresh “consensus” on Indian legal market reform [Law Society Gazette]

Jeremy Clarkson sued for race discrimination by Top Gear producer he allegedly called a “lazy, Irish c***” [The Mirror]

Judge at Becky Watts trial breaks down in tears as he jails killers for combined 50 years [The Mirror]

I think it would be helpful for young people trying to understand these issues if more people spoke honestly about the importance of timing. [Legal Cheek Comments]

Event: Alternative routes to becoming a lawyer — How law students can make it into the legal profession without doing a training contract: Free places available [Legal Cheek Hub]