Attorney General to publish guidance on Twitter to help prevent social media users from committing contempt of court by commenting inappropriately on criminal cases [BBC News]
“I am a 28-year-old junior barrister and I live at home with my mother” [The Telegraph]
Law firm blames hackers for creating racist advert using white man dressed as “Asian” caricature and uploading it to YouTube [Mail Online]
Amazon’s unmanned drone delivery services faces legal problems before taking off [Mail Online]
A Devon food producer was on Cameron’s trade trip to China. But where were the law firms? [Law Society Gazette]
“An elderly trouserless bowler-hatted man cycles along Fleet Street” [Twitter]
Isn’t this the wonderful Master Rose, of the Queen’s Bench Division? & he’s wearing shorts, @Telegraphpics!
— James Watthey (@JamesWatthey) December 3, 2013
John Terry’s father appears in court to deny claims he headbutted man during racist street attack [Mail Online]
Linklaters to introduce merit element to associate lockstep [The Lawyer]
Criminal barristers announce half-day refusal to work in legal aid protest [The Guardian]
11 criminals who were extraordinarily bad at crime [Metro]