A journey through the sorrow and the joy of the Legal Practice Course (LPC)
It begins with a speculative inquiry…
What course should I take if I want to become a solicitor? http://t.co/i4CoHc0K
— Imam Abdul Mazid (@mamzallen) February 12, 2013
At this stage the carefree wannabe lawyer is delightfully untroubled by burdensome realities, such as attention to detail.
LPC application sent off again, hopefully I'll have put the right email address for my personal tutor in this time #idiot
— Lauren Pearson (@pearsonl1) January 18, 2013
And, in an indication that they may not fully appreciate what awaits them, is overcome by feelings of euphoria at the very thought of the LPC.
Application for Law School accepted
Hello LPC at Sheffield University School of Law #GrowingUp #SoHappy
— Verity McMahon (@verity_mcmahon) January 9, 2013
Then reality intrudes.
Not even half my books for the LPC. Go home BPP, you're drunk. pic.twitter.com/b7kQgHpeDl
— Alex Lane (@AlexLane91) September 4, 2013
And keeps intruding…
What even is solicitors' accounts?! #headache
— Megan Craig (@MeganRebeccaa) October 26, 2013
At which point students are presented with two options: get their heads down…
Wow…Legal Practice course….why do I have a feeling that this course is going to get tougher from now on… @BPPLawSchool
— Julius Olatokun (@Juletokun) October 18, 2013
…or consider an alternative lifestyle choice.
That's it, fuck this shit, I am quitting my law career and getting pregnant #BenefitBabe
— Leroy (@theleroyshow) October 26, 2013
Fortunately, there are lighter modules on the LPC to ease the pain.
Learning about Hearsay on the LPC today. Really surprised they included them on the syllabus. pic.twitter.com/zmoWlVkhen
— Alex Lane (@AlexLane91) October 16, 2013
And, thanks to LinkedIn, getting a training contract is a breeze.
I just joined LinkedIn. Waiting for someone to offer me a training contract and a vacation scheme now. http://t.co/u9HA9ELRoP #in
— Shamila (@Saphire_93) November 8, 2013
Those without a LinkedIn account, fear not: excellent careers advice abounds.
Stop blaming the market or other applicants. Concentrate on you & making your application irresistible! #trainingcontract #lpc #noexcuses
— Sarah Ryan (@RyanLegalEagles) January 26, 2013
What’s this…exams already?
Not looking forward to having 5 exams in 5 days, starting tomorrow. #lpc #nexthype
— Amir khan (@khan_iam) February 17, 2013
Still, at least they provide an opportunity to air that linen suit.
LPC advocacy exams at school today. Slightly shocked at what is appaz considered appropriate court dress – I've just spotted a linen suit.
— ObiterAndOut (@ObiterAndOut) February 4, 2013
Because you won’t leave the house during Easter #HighEndBrandHashtag.
Revision! Whose on study leave? Not Easter break! #revision #law #imac #apple #macbookair #bentley… http://t.co/MP9g7iBz1U
— Antonio Dar (@MDar92) April 10, 2013
It’s around now that the hallucinations (pictured) typically begin.
Look who wondered into law school today… Most exciting part of my revision filled day pic.twitter.com/hBGq8APj
— Catherine Sharpe (@Cat_Sharpe) May 31, 2012
For those still able to function: one last push (at keeping up appearances).
Even if I don't remember anything, at least my folder looks pretty. #LPC #Exams #Revision pic.twitter.com/RXhl6jRizz
— Torty (@Naughty_Torty) June 13, 2013
And it’s time to celebrate aggressively!
Passed my Exams ! 64 in Solicitors Accounts and 72 in Wills ! Fuck you LPC!
— Nabeel Sarwar (@nabz_111) April 18, 2013
Soon after, the countdown to becoming a trainee solicitor begins.
37 days until I start my training contract WHOOP WHOOP!
— Tanya O'Hagan-Isaacs (@TanyaOHI) October 28, 2013
For the rest, it’s, well, back to LinkedIn…
will someone please just give me a training contract; #losingthefaith kick needed up the backside after work tmoro! #nevergiveup
— Rhian Siân Hawkins. (@rhiii_raaawr) December 22, 2011