In his recently relinquished role of Master of Entertainments at Middle Temple, Anthony Arlidge QC was able to “illuminate for…the student body the sheer magic of music, dance, theatre and history.”
Perhaps this capacity explains how the veteran 18 Red Lion Court barrister managed to pull a 27-year old Bar wannabe called “Heather”, for whom he has since left his partner of 12 years, the 9-12 Bell Yard barrister and part-time recorder Constance Briscoe.
Of Heather, Arlidge explained to this morning’s Daily Mail diary column: “We are living together. The relationship is going very well. We share a love of sports — I am taking her to the Olympics to see the football and athletics.”
But who is Heather (described in the Mail only as a “would-be barrister”)? Watch this space…